To connect your flash actionscript project to a database the easiest way is to use dynamically creating XML method. With this code snippet you may load xml file into swf. If you implement MyDataXML.aspx as responsing XML file flash will accept it as an xml file. var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML); loader.load(new URLRequest(“ MyDataXML.aspx”)); function loadXML(e:Event):void { xml = new XML(; trace(xml); } To make an aspx file responsing XML file this code block you should write into page_load method. System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response; response.Buffer = true; response.ClearContent(); response.ClearHeaders(); response.ContentType = "text/xml"; xmldata="xml comes here"; response.Write(xmldata); response.End(); This query sample may help you getting your data from database. This is not obligated. Just select your data however you like....
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