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Job Titles in a Software Company

It is sometimes really hard to tell what you are doing in your software company and so on it's challenging to choose a job title, especially when you are going to have it on your business card.

Then I made a simple googling but I couldn't find anything spectecular. Finally, I've decided writing my own list of job titles can be implemented in a software company, hierarchically. I think this can be helpful if you would like to re/arrange organisation scheme in your software company.

Graduate / Trainee
       Normally holders of a university degree.
Expert Assistant / Expert Candidate
       After training level but not enough experienced.
       Already have 2-3 years professional experience.
Senior Specialist / Project Manager
       Experieced specialist often having project management responsibility.
Team Manager / Team Leader / Group Leader / Team Lead Engineer
       Having staff responsibility and have employees reporting to him/her.
Senior Manager / Head of Department / Technical Manager
       Managing a division and other managers/leaders report to him/her.
Director / Business unit leader / Software Manager
       Have profit & loss responsibility for a business area.
General Manager / Managing Director
       Managing and directing the company, managing and responsible of all departments in the company.
Boss / Enterprise Managers
       Responsible of buying new villa for his/her secretary. :)
Secretary / Boss' Wife / Boss' Children
       Manages the boss. :)

Every level of this titles may not be implemented but these are most common ones. Please warn me if I missed something.

These are what I found on the net. Not hierarchically but can be useful too.

Software engineer - Usually done with Agile Programming techniques often only does a certain peice of the coding.
Software developer- Does from Birth to Deployment of software
Software designer- Takes what the customer or business wants and converts it into something that a programmer can read and use.
Software Architect- The head guy on most Agile Projects who see's the program from birth to deployment but in a less hands on way. 
Programmer- Code Monkey is what I am called by some of my colleagues. But it really is just the act of programming the code and not really caring about life to deployment cycles. Really the only true term for everyone.
Software Analyst- Does the sorta same as an Architect and Designer. But in a way less hands on way. Can turn Want in to Code for the programmer and knows how to translate

DBA- No need to explain i think.

Also lots of titles exists like Support Analyst, Business Analyst, Consultant, etc. you may also choose a title sounds good, but in my opinion, it is better that if people can understand what you are doing from your title. If someone say that he is a Vision Clearence Executive, nobody thinks he is a window cleaner, or Domestic Engineer for housewife :) .

As I told in the beginning, I couldn't find anything spectecular. If you have some information please let me know. Thanks.


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